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Minimizing Low-value, Uncompensated Work in Academic Infectious Diseases: A Six Step Program
Clinical Infectious Diseases ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-20 , DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciae090
Gonzalo Bearman 1 , Priya Nori 2

Uncompensated work in academic infectious diseases (ID) may be high-value (e.g., important for academic promotion or necessary for advancement to leadership roles) or low-value (e.g., not aligning with or contributing to professional goals and aspirations). “Curbside” consultations, participation in hospital committees outside of professional interests, and other “citizenship” tasks are common examples of threats to our valuable time as ID providers. Herein, we define the scope of the problem of low-value uncompensated work in academic ID and outline a six-step program to minimize these threats. Collaboration with professional sponsors, such as division chiefs, to align individual and team goals and utilization of a “value vs. compensation” matrix to prioritize activities may help us establish our own agendas and reclaim our professional autonomy.



学术传染病(ID)方面的无偿工作可能是高价值的(例如,对于学术晋升很重要,或者是晋升领导角色所必需的),也可能是低价值的(例如,不符合或不利于职业目标和愿望)。“路边”咨询、参与专业利益之外的医院委员会以及其他“公民身份”任务是威胁我们作为身份证明提供者的宝贵时间的常见例子。在此,我们定义了学术 ID 中低价值无偿工作问题的范围,并概述了一个六步计划,以最大限度地减少这些威胁。与专业发起人(例如部门负责人)合作,调整个人和团队目标,并利用“价值与薪酬”矩阵来确定活动的优先顺序,可以帮助我们建立自己的议程并收回我们的专业自主权。