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An overview on recent development of impression creep test
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpvp.2024.105160
Zhufeng Yue , Ming Li , Guoyan Zhou , Zhixun Wen , Wei Sun , Shan-Tung Tu

This paper aims to present recent advancements and insights into the impression creep test, elucidating the nature of associated data conversion relationships. The clarification of the benefits of adopting a rectangular indenter is discussed initially, followed by the introduction of a mechanics-based data conversion approach utilizing the reference stress method. The paper then provides updates on constant load and stepped load impression creep tests and highlights ongoing efforts in correcting conversion parameters due to changes in geometry and loading misalignments during the test. Additionally, comments and recommendations are offered regarding the theoretical foundation, applicability, and limitations of the test method for material status ranking, material properties derivation, hardness correlation, and life assessment. Finally, the latest developments in the standardization of the test method are also addressed.


