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Skeletal anomalies in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) larvae reared in different densities and water volumes
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-23 , DOI: 10.1111/jwas.13056
Zachary Dellacqua 1, 2 , Claudia Di Biagio 1, 3 , Arianna Martini 4, 5 , Francesco Mattei 4, 6 , Arnold Rakaj 4 , James C. Williams 7 , Andrea Fabris 8 , Marisol Izquierdo 2 , Clara Boglione 4

This study describes the effects on the skeletal phenotype of two pivotal factors, density and water volume, don the hatchery (larval) phase of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) larvae previoulsy described for two model species (Danio rerio and Oryzias latipes) and sub-adult (pre-ongrowing) gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). The experimental trial was conducted using single conditions in a pilot study, starting with a total of 615,385 eggs from the same batch. Three densities (LD low density: 25 larvae/L; MD medium density: 125 larvae/L; and HD high density: 250 larvae/L) and two water volumes (500 and 1000 L) were tested from spawning up to 60 days post-hatching (dph) (average standard length: 1.79 cm; average dry weight: 27.11 mg). On the final samples, morphometric, anatomical, and histological data were collected for data pertinent to meristic counts and skeletal anomalies. The results (analyzed by means of multivariate analyses) indicated that the LD-reared larvae were significantly longer and heavier than HD-reared fish. Furthermore, LD-reared gilthead seabream exhibited a significant reduction in the frequency of individuals with anomalies of jaws, vertebral body shape, and vertebral arches than the MD and HD conditions, which is in agreement with previous experiments carried out on model species and gilthead seabream sub-adults.


不同密度和水量饲养的金头鲷(Sparus aurata)幼虫的骨骼异常

本研究描述了两个关键因素(密度和水量)对骨骼表型的影响,以及之前描述的两种模型物种(斑马鱼Oryzias latipes)和亚种的金头鲷( Sparus aurata )幼虫的孵化(幼体)阶段。成年(生长前)金头鲷(Sparus aurata)。该实验是在试点研究中使用单一条件进行的,从同一批的总共 615,385 个鸡蛋开始。从产卵到产后 60 天,对三种密度(LD 低密度:25 只幼虫/L;MD 中密度:125 只幼虫/L;HD 高密度:250 只幼虫/L)和两种水体积(500 和 1000 L)进行了测试-孵化(dph)(平均标准长度:1.79厘米;平均干重:27.11毫克)。在最终样品上,收集了与分枝计数和骨骼异常相关的形态测量、解剖和组织学数据。结果(通过多变量分析)表明,LD 饲养的幼鱼明显比 HD 饲养的鱼更长、更重。此外,与MD和HD条件下饲养的金头鲷相比,LD饲养的金头鲷表现出颌骨、椎体形状和椎弓异常的个体频率显着降低,这与之前在模式物种和金头鲷上进行的实验一致亚成人。