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New records of ant-mimicking spiders from North-East India
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s42690-024-01200-0
Dipamani Sarma , Jitumoni Das , Bulbuli Khanikor

Spiders usually show Batesian mimicry with different model ant species. There are no specific study of ant mimicking spiders and their association with model ants from North-Eastern part of India. In this study, from the campus of Gauhati University, Assam, we recorded total eleven ant-mimicking spiders of which two are new records from India and seven are new records from North-East India. We noticed the model-mimic association of Myrmarachne melanocephala with Tetraponera rufonigra, Myrmarachne cornuta with Tetraponera allaborans, Myrmaplata plataleoides with Camponotus compressus, Myrmarachne acromegalis with Polyrhachis laevissima, Myrmaplata aureonigra with P. laevissima and Polyrhachis dives, Cambalida flavipes with Camponotus compressus and Apochinomma elongatum with Tetraponera nigra. Four unidentified Mymarachne sp. were found mimicking the ant species namely Camponotus parius, Technomyrmex albipes, Polyrhachis tibialis and Dolichoderus moggridgei. The work will open a new window for future studies to explore the ant’s and spider’s diversity and their co-evolutionary interactions for avoiding predator, deceive other individuals etc.



蜘蛛通常对不同的模式蚂蚁物种表现出贝氏拟态。目前还没有针对模仿蚂蚁的蜘蛛及其与印度东北部模型蚂蚁的关联的具体研究。在这项研究中,我们在阿萨姆邦高哈蒂大学校园内总共记录了 11 种模仿蚂蚁的蜘蛛,其中 2 种是来自印度的新记录,7 种是来自印度东北部的新记录。我们注意到黑头Myrmarachne melanocephalaTetraponera rufonigraMyrmarachne cornutaTetraponera allaboransMyrmaplata plataleoidesCamponotus compressusMyrmarachne acromegalisPolyrhachis laevissimaMyrmaplata aureonigra与P. laevissimaPolyrhachis divesCambalida flavipes的模型模拟关联与压缩弓背蚁和细长弓背蚁四角藻。四个未鉴定的Mymarachne sp。被发现模仿蚂蚁物种,即Camponotus parius、Technomyrmex albipes、Polyrhachis tibialisDolichoderus moggridgei。这项工作将为未来的研究打开一扇新的窗口,探索蚂蚁和蜘蛛的多样性以及它们在躲避捕食者、欺骗其他个体等方面的共同进化相互作用。
