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Pneumothorax in a term newborn
Journal of Perinatology ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-26 , DOI: 10.1038/s41372-024-01899-2
Vidhi Jhaveri , Payam Vali , Evan Giusto , Yogen Singh , Satyan Lakshminrusimha

With the advent of surfactant and gentle ventilation, the incidence of neonatal pneumothorax has decreased over the last two decades. Pneumothorax associated with respiratory distress syndrome is more common in preterm infants, but term infants often present with isolated pneumothorax. The use of CPAP or non-invasive respiratory support in the delivery room for a term infant with respiratory distress increases transpulmonary pressures and increases the risk of pneumothorax. Prompt diagnosis with a high index of suspicion, quick evaluation by transillumination, chest X-ray or lung ultrasound is critical. Management includes observation, needle thoracocentesis and if necessary, chest tube placement. This manuscript reviews the incidence, pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of a term infant with isolated pneumothorax, summarizing the combination of established knowledge with new understanding, including data on diagnostic modes such as ultrasound, reviewing preventative measures, and therapeutic interventions such as needle thoracocentesis and a comparison of pigtail vs. straight chest tubes.



随着表面活性剂和温和通气的出现,新生儿气胸的发病率在过去二十年有所下降。与呼吸窘迫综合征相关的气胸在早产儿中更为常见,但足月儿通常表现为孤立性气胸。在产房为患有呼吸窘迫的足月儿使用 CPAP 或无创呼吸支持会增加跨肺压并增加气胸的风险。高度怀疑的及时诊断、通过透照、胸部 X 光或肺部超声进行快速评估至关重要。治疗包括观察、针胸腔穿刺术以及必要时放置胸管。本手稿回顾了足月婴儿孤立性气胸的发病率、发病机制、诊断和治疗,总结了现有知识与新理解的结合,包括超声等诊断模式的数据、回顾预防措施以及针胸腔穿刺术和针刺胸腔穿刺术等治疗干预措施。辫子与直胸管的比较。
