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Traditional and Indigenous Perspectives on Healing Trauma With Psychedelic Plant Medicines
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction ( IF 8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s11469-024-01252-w
Christine Diindiisi McCleave , Susan Beaulieu , Rainbow Lopez , Joseph Tafur

This article reflects the commentary of Indigenous experts, students, and practitioners from North America. Topics discussed include the historical context of colonialism and the Psychedelic Renaissance, duality of Spirit and science, the challenges of being an Indigenous person in psychedelic spaces, and the role of culture in healing trauma. The authors expand upon topics such as the harms inflicted upon Indigenous Peoples, conflicting worldviews and values systems between Indigenous Peoples’ cultures and the dominant Western culture, and the differences in scientific and economic paradigms. The authors also analyze the effects of colonization on our relationships with one another and with these entheogenic plant medicines.



