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Two weight estimates for $$L^{r}$$ -Hörmander singular integral operators and rough singular integral operators with matrix weights
Annals of Functional Analysis ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-27 , DOI: 10.1007/s43034-024-00326-z
Yongming Wen , Wenting Hu , Fuli Ku

In this paper, we give new bump conditions for two matrix weight inequalities of \(L^{r}\)-Hörmander singular integral operators and rough singular integral operators, which are new even in the scalar cases. As applications, we obtain quantitative one weight inequalities for rough singular integral operators.


$$L^{r}$$ 的两个权重估计 -Hörmander 奇异积分算子和带有矩阵权重的粗略奇异积分算子

在本文中,我们为\(L^{r}\) -Hörmander 奇异积分算子和粗奇异积分算子的两个矩阵权不等式给出了新的凹凸条件,即使在标量情况下也是新的。作为应用,我们获得了粗糙奇异积分算子的定量一权不等式。
