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Experimental Evalua tion of the Mechanical Properties of the Metal of the Characteristic Zones of Typical Pipeline Elements
Strength of Materials ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s11223-024-00603-1
O. P. Gopkalo , P. S. Yukhymets , O. E. Gopkalo

In engineering practice, conservative approaches are used to assess the technical condition of pipelines with typical elements (branches, tees and adapters) using reference data on the mechanical properties of the metal in its original state. The use of such approaches to assess the technical condition without taking into account changes in the mechanical properties of the metal during the manufacturing process and long-term operation can lead to significant errors. As an example, this paper presents the results of experimental studies of the mechanical properties of the metal of the characteristic zones of typical pipeline elements and the steam generator housing. It is shown that the differences in the characteristics of resistance to the short-term static and cyclic loads of individual sections of typical pipeline elements are associated with the influence of technological and operational factors. It is recommended to use nondestructive testing methods for the rapid evaluation of differences in the structural state of the metal of different portions of the product, which determines its mechanical properties.



