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Ethnobotanical study of traditional medicinal plants used by the local Gamo people in Boreda Abaya District, Gamo Zone, southern Ethiopia
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1186/s13002-024-00666-z
Juhar Zemede , Tegenu Mekuria , Clintone Onyango Ochieng , Guy Eric Onjalalaina , Guang-Wan Hu

Medicinal plants have been used for centuries and are still relied upon by over 80% of the Ethiopian population. The people of Gamo, southern Ethiopia, have a rich cultural and traditional lifestyle with a long history of using plant resources for various uses including traditional herbal medicine. However, their traditional knowledge of traditional medicinal plants in Boreda Abaya District has not been explored Ethnobotanically yet, despite preserving diverse indigenous traditional medicinal plants. Hence, the study aimed to document and analyze traditional medicinal plants and associated traditional knowledge and practices used by local people. Quantitative ethnobotanical data were collected via semi-structured interviews, face-to-face conversations, group discussions, and guided field trips between September 2022 and February 2023. In total, 92 informants participated, of which 25 were key informants. Quantitative data indices (informant consensus factor—ICF—and use report—Ur) were computed by MS Excel spreadsheet software. Scientific names of medicinal plants were checked via World Flora Online. In the present study, we recorded 188 traditional medicinal plant species belonging to 163 genera and 73 plant families. Lamiaceae (16 species), Asteraceae (16 species), Fabaceae (11 species), and Euphorbiaceae (8 species) contributed highest number of species and were found to be predominant family in the area. Leaves and seeds were most frequently used plant parts, and pounding (46%) was the main method to prepare remedies. The sudden sickness disease category scored the highest consensus (ICF: 0.35), followed by blood and circulatory-related disease categories (ICF: 0.33). The highest number of plant taxa (61 species) used to treat dermal disease has a 71-use report score, while fewer plant taxa (21 species) were utilized to treat genitourinary system-related disease category, having 25 use reports. Ocimum lamiifolium (Ur:56) and Moringa stenopetala (Ur:51) are widely used species and received highest use report value. Gamo people possess extensive traditional knowledge of ethnomedicine. The region's vegetation hosts diverse medicinal species, but deforestation, agriculture, and droughts threaten them. Local conservation practices require scientific support, prioritizing species having higher use reports (Ur), and in-depth investigations of promising species for drug development are essential.



药用植物已经使用了几个世纪,并且仍然为超过 80% 的埃塞俄比亚人口所依赖。埃塞俄比亚南部加莫的人民拥有丰富的文化和传统生活方式,拥有将植物资源用于包括传统草药在内的各种用途的悠久历史。然而,尽管保留了多种本土传统药用植物,但博雷达阿巴亚区的传统药用植物传统知识尚未得到民族植物学的探索。因此,该研究旨在记录和分析当地人民使用的传统药用植物以及相关传统知识和做法。定量民族植物学数据是通过2022年9月至2023年2月期间的半结构化访谈、面对面对话、小组讨论和指导实地考察收集的。总共有92名知情人参与,其中25名是关键知情人。定量数据指数(知情者共识因子 - ICF - 和使用报告 - Ur)由 MS Excel 电子表格软件计算。药用植物的学名是通过世界植物志在线检查的。在本研究中,我们记录了属于 73 个植物科 163 属的 188 种传统药用植物物种。唇形科(16 种)、菊科(16 种)、豆科(11 种)和大戟科(8 种)的物种数量最多,是该地区的优势科。叶子和种子是最常用的植物部分,捣碎(46%)是制备药物的主要方法。突发疾病类别得分最高(ICF:0.35),其次是血液和循环系统相关疾病类别(ICF:0.33)。用于治疗皮肤疾病的植物类群(61 种)数量最多,有 71 份使用报告得分,而用于治疗泌尿生殖系统相关疾病类别的植物类群较少(21 种),有 25 份使用报告。罗勒 (Ocimum lamiifolium) (Ur:56) 和辣木 (Ur:51) 是广泛使用的物种,并获得了最高的使用报告价值。嘎莫人拥有丰富的民族医学传统知识。该地区的植被蕴藏着多种药用物种,但森林砍伐、农业和干旱却威胁着它们。当地的保护实践需要科学支持,优先考虑具有较高使用报告(Ur)的物种,并且对有希望用于药物开发的物种进行深入调查至关重要。