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Death in the high mountains: Evidence of interpersonal violence during Late Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age at Roc de les Orenetes (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain)
American Journal of Physical Anthropology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.24909
Miguel Ángel Moreno‐Ibáñez 1, 2 , Palmira Saladié 1, 2, 3 , Iván Ramírez‐Pedraza 1, 2 , Celia Díez‐Canseco 1, 2 , Juan Luis Fernández‐Marchena 1, 2, 4 , Eni Soriano 5 , Eudald Carbonell 1, 2 , Carlos Tornero 1, 5

To test a hypothesis on interpersonal violence events during the transition between Chalcolithic and Bronze Age in the Eastern Pyrenees, to contextualize it in Western Europe during that period, and to assess if these marks can be differentiated from secondary funerary treatment.


高山中的死亡:红铜时代晚期和青铜时代早期的Roc de les Orenetes(西班牙东比利牛斯山脉)的人际暴力证据
