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Salient sociophonetic features, stereotypes, and attitudes toward Jazani Arabic
Humanities & Social Sciences Communications ( IF 2.731 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1057/s41599-024-02832-w
Mohammed Q. Ruthan

Far more attention has been paid to attitudes toward Standard Arabic than colloquial varieties, especially Jazani Arabic. This study aimed to identify Saudis’ stereotypes, beliefs, and attitudes toward Jazani, as well as salient sociophonetic features that might have an impact on those attitudes. An additional goal was to determine whether Saudi speakers of other dialects could identify Jazani. The study asked the following questions. Can speakers of different Saudi dialects identify Jazani speakers from sociophonetic input alone? What are Saudi speakers’ attitudes toward Jazani Arabic? What are the salient sociophonetic features of Jazani Arabic? A total of 183 Saudi Arabic speakers participated in an online attitudinal survey. Qualitative and quantitative analyses were conducted on the collected data. Findings showed that respondents could identify the speakers as Jazanis based solely on sociophonetic characteristics. Non-emphatic /r/ and word-initial consonant clusters were pointed out as salient features of Jazani Arabic. In addition, participants’ responses included general impressions, cultural associations, and social status. Overall, speakers of other Saudi dialects had more positive attitudes than Najdi speakers, who held more negative attitudes toward Jazani speakers. The results reflected the social stratification in Saudi Arabia and confirmed beliefs, stereotypical views, and misrepresentations of Jazani speakers’ social status.


对 Jazani 阿拉伯语的显着社会语音特征、刻板印象和态度

人们更多地关注对标准阿拉伯语的态度,而不是口语变体,尤其是 Jazani 阿拉伯语。本研究旨在确定沙特人对 Jazani 的刻板印象、信仰和态度,以及可能对这些态度产生影响的显着社交语音特征。另一个目标是确定说其他方言的沙特人是否可以识别 Jazani。该研究提出了以下问题。不同沙特方言的使用者能否仅通过社交语音输入来识别 Jazani 使用者?沙特人对 Jazani 阿拉伯语的态度如何?Jazani 阿拉伯语的显着社交语音特征是什么?共有 183 名讲沙特阿拉伯语的人参与了在线态度调查。对收集的数据进行定性和定量分析。调查结果显示,受访者仅根据社交语音特征即可将说话者识别为贾扎尼人。不强调的 /r/ 和词首辅音簇被指出是 Jazani 阿拉伯语的显着特征。此外,参与者的回答还包括总体印象、文化联想和社会地位。总体而言,说其他沙特方言的人比说纳吉迪语的人持有更积极的态度,后者对说贾扎尼语的人持更消极的态度。结果反映了沙特阿拉伯的社会分层,并证实了贾扎尼语使用者的信仰、刻板印象和社会地位的误传。
