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Menu-dependent risk attitudes: Theory and evidence
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty ( IF 3.977 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s11166-023-09423-1
Zhuo Chen , Russell Golman , Jason Somerville

We test for a novel pattern of menu-dependent risk attitudes that forms the basis of recent theories of risky choice: Does expanding the range of potential prizes from lotteries in a choice set lead people to overweight those prizes and make riskier choices? Contrary to our hypothesis, we find no evidence of such a menu effect. Varying the potential prize offered by an actuarially unfavorable, high-risk lottery does not affect the likelihood of choosing a different, moderate-risk gamble in favor of a safer alternative. Our well-powered null results cast doubt on prominent theories of menu-dependent risk preferences.



