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Handling Open Research Data within the Max Planck Society -- Looking Closer at the Year 2020
arXiv - CS - Digital Libraries Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: arxiv-2402.18182
Martin Boosen, Michael Franke, Yves Vincent Grossmann, Sy Dat Ho, Larissa Leiminger, Jan Matthiesen

This paper analyses the practice of publishing research data within the Max Planck Society in the year 2020. The central finding of the study is that up to 40\% of the empirical text publications had research data available. The aggregation of the available data is predominantly analysed. There are differences between the sections of the Max Planck Society but they are not as great as one might expect. In the case of the journals, it is also apparent that a data policy can increase the availability of data related to textual publications. Finally, we found that the statement on data availability "upon (reasonable) request" does not work.


处理马克斯·普朗克学会内部的开放研究数据——展望 2020 年

本文分析了 2020 年马普学会内部发表研究数据的做法。研究的中心发现是,高达 40% 的实证文本出版物有可用的研究数据。主要分析可用数据的汇总。马克斯·普朗克学会的各个部门之间存在差异,但差异并不像人​​们想象的那么大。就期刊而言,数据政策显然可以增加与文本出版物相关的数据的可用性。最后,我们发现“根据(合理)请求”提供数据的声明不起作用。