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Food Insecurity and Health Inequities in Food Allergy
Current Allergy and Asthma Reports ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s11882-024-01134-0
Akilah A. Jefferson , Lauren Davidson , Amy M. Scurlock , Jessica Stern

Purpose of Review

The intersection of food insecurity among those with food allergy is a growing public health concern. Both food allergy and food insecurity have profound implications on health, social, and economic outcomes. The interaction of social determinants of health, poverty, racism, housing insecurity, and access to care has direct impact on individuals with food allergy.

Recent Findings

There is increasing evidence that universal screening for food insecurity is vital in the routine care of patients with food allergy. Individuals with food allergy who are also burdened by food insecurity face unique challenges related to the need to maintain dietary modifications often with expensive specialized diets, which are difficult to access. This may lead to limited dietary options, malnutrition, increased financial burden, and social isolation. While there are available resources and support systems that can assist individuals with food allergies in managing food insecurity, there is an increasing need for advocacy and inclusivity in policy frameworks involving multiple stakeholders.


Multi-sector efforts involving healthcare providers and advocacy and government agencies are necessary to support policy changes that protect the rights and well-being of individuals affected by food allergy and food insecurity. By increasing awareness, improving access to safe, affordable, allergen-free food, and advocating for policy change, we can work toward ensuring universal access to safe, nutritious food for all individuals, regardless of their food allergy status or socioeconomic background.








