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Accounting for Phase Limitations During Intense Acceleration of a Mobile Robot and Its Motion in Drift Mode
Doklady Mathematics ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1134/s1064562424701709
S. A. Reshmin , M. T. Bektybaeva


The problem of effectively controlling the traction of an all-wheel drive wheeled robot after its sharp turn caused by the sudden appearance of an extended obstacle in the robot path has been solved. It is assumed that, in the course of steering, the robot body is parallel to the obstacle and its front wheels are aligned. The task is to ensure acceleration along the obstacle, while avoiding a side collision with it. The solution is based on the linear tangent law adapted to phase restrictions. On a finite time interval, the speed of wheel rotation is obtained in the course of lateral motion in the drift mode and the subsequent acceleration on the verge of slipping along a straight line that is as close as possible to the boundary of the obstacle. The corresponding trajectory is also shown. The dependence of the longitudinal speed developed at the end of the maneuver on the initial distance to the obstacle and the maneuver time is studied. The left-side limits of the wheel angular acceleration and the power at the end of the sliding segment are determined. The found trajectory is compared with some other trajectories consisting of a curved and a straight segment. Numerical calculations show that the former trajectory is more effective.




