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Neurosymbolic Value-Inspired Artificial Intelligence (Why, What, and How)
IEEE Intelligent Systems ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-28 , DOI: 10.1109/mis.2023.3344353
Amit Sheth 1 , Kaushik Roy 1

The rapid progression of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, facilitated by the advent of large language models (LLMs), has resulted in their widespread application to provide human assistance across diverse industries. This trend has sparked significant discourse centered around the ever-increasing need for LLM-based AI systems to function among humans as a part of human society. Toward this end, neurosymbolic AI systems are attractive because of their potential to enable and interpretable interfaces for facilitating value-based decision making by leveraging explicit representations of shared values. In this article, we introduce substantial extensions to Kahneman’s System 1 and System 2 framework and propose a neurosymbolic computational framework called value-inspired AI (VAI). It outlines the crucial components essential for the robust and practical implementation of VAI systems, representing and integrating various dimensions of human values. Finally, we further offer insights into the current progress made in this direction and outline potential future directions for the field.



大型语言模型 (LLM) 的出现推动了人工智能 (AI) 系统的快速发展,使其得到广泛应用,为不同行业提供人类帮助。这一趋势引发了人们对基于法学硕士的人工智能系统作为人类社会一部分在人类中发挥作用的日益增长的需求的重要讨论。为此,神经符号人工智能系统很有吸引力,因为它们有潜力通过利用共享价值观的显式表示来实现可解释的界面,从而促进基于价值的决策。在本文中,我们介绍了卡尼曼系统 1 和系统 2 框架的实质性扩展,并提出了一种称为价值启发人工智能 (VAI) 的神经符号计算框架。它概述了 VAI 系统稳健且实际实施所必需的关键组成部分,代表并整合了人类价值观的各个维度。最后,我们进一步深入了解该方向当前取得的进展,并概述该领域未来潜在的方向。