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Correction to: Practical guidelines of the EOTTD for pathological and genetic diagnosis of hydatidiform moles
Virchows Archiv ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s00428-023-03715-2
Carla Bartosch , Alfons Nadal , Ana C. Braga , Angela Salerno , Anne‑Laure Rougemont , Anne‑Sophie Van Rompuy , Brendan Fitzgerald , Caroline Joyce , Fabienne Allias , Geoffrey J. Maher , Gitta Turowski , Jean‑Christophe Tille , Kinan Drak Alsibai , Koen Van de Vijver , Lesley McMahon , Lone Sunde , Michal Pyzlak , Paul Downey , Sandra Wessman , Sophie Patrier , Baljeet Kaur , Rosemary Fisher


更正:EOTTD 葡萄胎病理和遗传学诊断实用指南
