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Using System of Least Prompts to Teach Self-Help Skills to Students Who Are Deafblind
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities ( IF 1.628 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1177/15407969241231204
Jill Grattan 1 , MaryAnn Demchak 1

To date, no evidence-based practices are identified for working with students who are deafblind (DB). No evidence-based practices have been identified for teaching basic self-help skills such as dressing. The present study examined the efficacy of an intervention package including the system of least prompts (SLP; i.e., SLP and least-to-most prompting), visual cues, and reinforcement to teach three self-help skills (i.e., wash hands, dry hands, entry routine) to four participants, ages 3-5 years, with vision and hearing impairments and multiple disabilities. A multiple probe across behaviors design, replicated across participants, was used to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention package including SLP to teach self-help skills. Three of four participants increased their independence for all targeted self-help skills. A functional relation is indicated for three of four participants and provides promising evidence for use of SLP in teaching individuals with multiple disabilities that include DB.



迄今为止,还没有找到针对聋盲学生 (DB) 的循证实践。目前还没有找到基于证据的实践来教授穿衣等基本自助技能。本研究检验了干预方案的有效性,包括最少提示系统(SLP;即 SLP 和最少到最多提示)、视觉提示和强化,以教授三种自助技能(即洗手、擦干)。手,进入例程)到四名参与者,年龄为 3-5 岁,患有视力和听力障碍以及多种残疾。跨行为设计的多重调查,在参与者之间重复,被用来评估包括 SLP 在内的干预方案的有效性,以教授自助技能。四分之三的参与者提高了所有有针对性的自助技能的独立性。四分之三的参与者表明了功能关系,并为使用 SLP 来教授包括 DB 在内的多种残疾的个人提供了有希望的证据。