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Modelling capacity for systematic equity strategies
Journal of Asset Management Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1057/s41260-024-00350-7
Carmine de Franco , Luc Dumontier

This paper generalizes the concept of capacity from the portfolio level to the investment process for systematic equity strategies. Capacity is often understood as the maximum asset under management, above which additional inflows would have too great a negative impact on performance. The concept of capacity is often limited to the study of a given portfolio. However, setting up a capacity management framework must consider what the portfolio might look like in the future. This is obviously complicated for discretionary portfolios but theoretically conceivable for portfolios implementing systematic strategies, if we can simulate all possible scenarios. In our framework, we extend the traditional definition of capacity from a number to a random variable, allowing portfolio managers to integrate it into their risk considerations. We provide examples of how portfolio managers can approach this problem, with full-search or modelling methods. Our framework includes several capacity metrics that can be used jointly or selected to align better with the features of each strategy.



