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Efficacy of long-lasting insecticide-incorporated nets on 2 scolytinae pests, the coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei and tropical nut borer Hypothenemus obscurus under laboratory conditions
Journal of Economic Entomology ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-27 , DOI: 10.1093/jee/toae020
Pascal Aigbedion-Atalor 1, 2, 3 , Nathalie de Rocquigny 1, 4 , Angelita Acebes-Doria 1

Several pests affect coffee (Coffea spp., Rubiaceae) and macadamia, Macadamia integrifolia Maiden & Betche (Proteaceae) in Hawaii. The coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), is the most damaging to coffee, while the tropical nut borer, Hypothenemus obscurus (Fabricius) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), is one of the worst pests of macadamia. This paper investigates the potential efficacy of a long-lasting insecticide-incorporated net (LLIN) under laboratory conditions to manage these pests. The LLIN (40 denier with mesh size 625 knots/in²), incorporated with α-cypermethrin (0.34%), was excised into 100 mm circles and inserted in 100 mm Petri dishes. Nets with the same quality but without insecticides were used as control treatments. Twenty beetles (H. obscurus or H. hampei) each were placed on the treated and non-treated netting at 4 treatment or exposure hours—1, 6, 12, and 24—with 5 replicates. Subsequently, the beetles were ranked alive, affected, or dead. The results showed that the LLIN with α-cypermethrin had significant lethal and sub-lethal effects on both Hypothenemus species, causing over 90% mortality after 24 h of exposure and paralysis after 1, 6, and 12 h of exposure. The highest lethality value was recorded after 24 h of exposure for both H. obscurus and H. hampei. The LT50 of H. obscurus and H. hampei was 18.78 min and 2.15 h, respectively, while the LT90 values were 32.11 and 20.67 h. These results imply the potential effectiveness of LLINs with α-cypermethrin for management of H. obscurus and H. hampei, but field studies are warranted for optimization.


实验室条件下长效杀虫蚊帐对 2 种小蠹科害虫(咖啡果小螟 Hypothenemus hampei 和热带坚果螟 Hypothenemus obscurus)的功效

夏威夷的咖啡(咖啡属、茜草科)和澳洲坚果、Macadamia integrifolia Maiden & Betche(山龙眼科)有多种害虫。咖啡浆果小螟(Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari))(鞘翅目:象甲科:小蠹亚科)对咖啡危害最大,而热带坚果螟,Hypothenemus obscurus (Fabricius)(鞘翅目:象甲科:小蠹亚科)是最严重的害虫之一澳洲坚果。本文研究了在实验室条件下长效杀虫剂混合网 (LLIN) 防治这些害虫的潜在功效。LLIN(40 旦尼尔,网孔尺寸 625 节/英寸²)与 α-氯氰菊酯 (0.34%) 混合,被切成 100 毫米的圆圈并插入 100 毫米的培养皿中。使用相同质量但不含杀虫剂的蚊帐作为对照处理。在 4 个处理或暴露小时(1、6、12 和 24)时,将 20 只甲虫(H. obscurus 或 H. hampei)分别放置在处理过的和未处理过的网上,重复 5 次。随后,甲虫被分为存活、受影响或死亡。结果表明,含有α-氯氰菊酯的LLIN对两种小鳖属物种均具有显着的致死和亚致死作用,暴露24小时后死亡率超过90%,暴露1、6和12小时后导致瘫痪。H. obscurus 和 H. hampei 在暴露 24 小时后记录到最高致死率。H. obscurus 和 H. hampei 的 LT50 分别为 18.78 分钟和 2.15 h,而 LT90 值为 32.11 和 20.67 h。这些结果表明 LLIN 与 α-氯氰菊酯对管理 H. obscurus 和 H. hampei 具有潜在的有效性,但需要进行现场研究以进行优化。