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Accuracy of femoral component anteversion in robotic total hip arthroplasty.
The Bone & Joint Journal ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1302/0301-620x.106b3.bjj-2023-0840.r1
Nobuhiko Sugano, Yuki Maeda, Haruka Fuji, Kazunori Tamura, Nobuo Nakamura, Kazuma Takashima, Keisuke Uemura, Hidetoshi Hamada

Femoral component anteversion is an important factor in the success of total hip arthroplasty (THA). This retrospective study aimed to investigate the accuracy of femoral component anteversion with the Mako THA system and software using the Exeter cemented femoral component, compared to the Accolade II cementless femoral component.



股骨假体前倾角是全髋关节置换术(THA)成功的重要因素。这项回顾性研究旨在调查使用 Exeter 骨水泥股骨假体的 Mako THA 系统和软件与 Accolade II 非骨水泥股骨假体相比,股骨假体前倾的准确性。