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Low rate of periprosthetic femoral fracture with the Hueter anterior approach using stems cemented according to the 'French paradox'.
The Bone & Joint Journal ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1302/0301-620x.106b3.bjj-2023-0843.r1
Pierre Laboudie, Aurélien Hallé, Philippe Anract, Moussa Hamadouche

The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the incidence of early periprosthetic femoral fracture (PFF) associated with Charnley-Kerboull (CK) femoral components cemented according to the 'French paradox' principles through the Hueter anterior approach (HAA) in patients older than 70 years.


根据“法国悖论”,使用 Hueter 前路入路使用骨水泥固定股骨柄,假体周围股骨骨折的发生率较低。

这项回顾性研究的目的是评估年龄大于 1 岁的患者中与根据“法国悖论”原则通过 Hueter 前入路 (HAA) 粘合的 Charnley-Kerboull (CK) 股骨假体相关的早期假体周围股骨骨折 (PFF) 的发生率。 70 年。