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Methodological Approach to Construct Models for Predicting Indicators of Properties of Information Security Systems
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.3103/s0146411623080357
D. P. Zegzhda , A. F. Suprun , V. G. Anisimov , A. V. Tebekin , E. G. Anisimov


A methodological approach to construct models for predicting indicators of properties of information security systems at evolutionary stages of development is proposed. The approach is based on the idea of the development of information security systems as a process of change in the acceptable range of indicators characterizing their properties. It is assumed that the number of resources spent on improving each property is greater the closer the current value of the indicator characterizing this property is to the maximum possible value for the information security system under consideration. This circumstance is taken into account by reducing the relative rates of improvement in indicators as their values approach the maximum possible value.




