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Ways to Reduce Irrigation Water Consumption when Cultivating Potatoes in the Lower Volga Region
Russian Agricultural Sciences Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.3103/s1068367423090197
D. I. Vasilyuk , V. V. Melikhov , A. A. Novikov , K. A. Rodin


Potatoes in the arid zone of southern Russia are grown only under irrigation, using mainly the ridge technology recommended by regional scientific institutions. Greater compaction of heavy loamy light chestnut soils by irrigation requires additional loosening. Cultivating potatoes in beds formed from two paired ridges can increase crop productivity (number and size of tubers) due to the formation of a large tuber nest. The studies were carried out in 2017–2019 in the conditions of the Lower Volga region in order to determine the effect of hilling in ridges and ridges with three common irrigation methods (sprinkling: control, furrow, and drip irrigation) on potato productivity and the efficiency of irrigation water use. Hilling potatoes in beds made it possible to significantly increase its yield compared to hilling in ridges by 2.5–3.9 t/ha. The maximum harvest of tubers, 57.4 t/ha, was observed with a combination of hilling in beds and drip irrigation, which exceeds the harvest when hilling in ridges by 2.5 t/ha and the control option by 28.1 t/ha. Water was supplied to the plants through a drip irrigation system (DIS) at lower irrigation rates. They decreased from 3900 m3/ha with sprinkling (control) to 3210 m3/ha with DIS with hilling in ridges and 3030 m3/ha with hilling in beds. However, it led to an increase in the number of irrigations on average over the years from 6.3–9.3 times with sprinkling and furrow irrigation to 23.3–24.7 times during the growing season of the crop with DIS. The use of drip irrigation and planting potatoes in beds ensured the greatest efficiency in the use of irrigation water: the water consumption coefficient was 104.0 m3/t, which is 51% lower than the same coefficient with sprinkling.




俄罗斯南部干旱地区的马铃薯只能在灌溉下种植,主要采用地区科学机构推荐的垄技术。通过灌溉进一步压实重壤质轻质板栗土需要额外的松土。由于形成了大的块茎巢,在由两对脊形成的床上种植马铃薯可以提高作物生产力(块茎的数量和大小)。该研究于 2017-2019 年在伏尔加河下游地区进行,旨在确定田埂和田埂中三种常见灌溉方法(喷灌:控制、沟灌和滴灌)对马铃薯生产力的影响以及马铃薯产量的影响。灌溉用水效率。与在田埂中培植马铃薯相比,在苗床中培植马铃薯产量可以显着增加 2.5-3.9 吨/公顷。结合苗床培植和滴灌观察到块茎的最大收获量为 57.4 吨/公顷,比垄作培植时的产量高出 2.5 吨/公顷,比对照方案高出 28.1 吨/公顷。通过滴灌系统(DIS)以较低的灌溉率向植物供水。它们从喷洒(对照)时的3900 m 3 /ha 下降至DIS(田脊造林)的3210 m 3 /ha,以及床中造林的3030 m 3 /ha。然而,这使得多年来平均灌溉次数从喷灌和沟灌的 6.3-9.3 次增加到 DIS 作物生长季节的 23.3-24.7 次。采用滴灌和床植马铃薯,保证了灌溉水的最大利用效率:耗水系数为104.0 m 3 /t,比同等系数喷灌降低了51%。
