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Circuit-Specific Deep Brain Stimulation Provides Insights into Movement Control
Annual Review of Neuroscience ( IF 13.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-neuro-092823-104810
Aryn H. Gittis 1 , Roy V. Sillitoe 2, 3

Deep brain stimulation (DBS), a method in which electrical stimulation is delivered to specific areas of the brain, is an effective treatment for managing symptoms of a number of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders. Clinical access to neural circuits during DBS provides an opportunity to study the functional link between neural circuits and behavior. This review discusses how the use of DBS in Parkinson's disease and dystonia has provided insights into the brain networks and physiological mechanisms that underlie motor control. In parallel, insights from basic science about how patterns of electrical stimulation impact plasticity and communication within neural circuits are transforming DBS from a therapy for treating symptoms to a therapy for treating circuits, with the goal of training the brain out of its diseased state.Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Neuroscience, Volume 47 is July 2024. Please see http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates for revised estimates.



深部脑刺激 (DBS) 是一种将电刺激传递到大脑特定区域的方法,是治疗许多神经系统和神经精神疾病症状的有效方法。 DBS 期间对神经回路的临床访问提供了研究神经回路和行为之间功能联系的机会。这篇综述讨论了 DBS 在帕金森病和肌张力障碍中的应用如何提供了对运动控制基础的大脑网络和生理机制的见解。与此同时,基础科学关于电刺激模式如何影响神经回路可塑性和通讯的见解正在将 DBS 从治疗症状的疗法转变为治疗回路的疗法,其目标是训练大脑摆脱疾病状态。 《神经科学年度评论》第 47 卷的最终在线发布日期是 2024 年 7 月。请参阅 http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates 了解修订后的估计。