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Predicting the Need for Blood Transfusions in Cardiac Surgery: A Comparison between Machine Learning Algorithms and Established Risk Scores in the Brazilian Population.
Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.21470/1678-9741-2023-0212
Cristiano Berardo Carneiro da Cunha, Tiago Andrade Lima, Diogo Luiz de Magalhães Ferraz, Igor Tiago Correia Silva, Matheus Kennedy Dionisio Santiago, Gabrielle Ribeiro Sena, Verônica Soares Monteiro, Lívia Barbosa Andrade

Blood transfusion is a common practice in cardiac surgery, despite its well-known negative effects. To mitigate blood transfusion-associated risks, identifying patients who are at higher risk of needing this procedure is crucial. Widely used risk scores to predict the need for blood transfusions have yielded unsatisfactory results when validated for the Brazilian population.


