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Inheritance of epigenetic transcriptional memory
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gde.2024.102174
Tiffany Ge , Jason H Brickner

Epigenetic memory allows organisms to stably alter their transcriptional program in response to developmental or environmental stimuli. Such transcriptional programs are mediated by heritable regulation of the function of enhancers and promoters. Memory involves read–write systems that enable self-propagation and mitotic inheritance of acting epigenetic marks to induce stable changes in transcription. Also, in response to environmental cues, cells can induce epigenetic transcriptional memory to poise inducible genes for faster induction in the future. Here, we discuss modes of epigenetic inheritance and the molecular basis of epigenetic transcriptional memory.


