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Measuring Consolidation and Disruption Indexes in Global Knowledge and Information Creation Publications
Scientific and Technical Information Processing Pub Date : 2024-03-05 , DOI: 10.3103/s014768822304007x
Farshid Danesh , Somayeh GhaviDel


The present study investigates the consolidation or disruption of the global publication of information creation (IC) and the continuity of citations and bibliographic coupling of focal papers. This investigation is applied research performed using citation analysis, bibliographic coupling, and triple DI’s (DI, \({\text{DI*}}\), and \({\text{D}}{{{\text{I}}}^{\# }}\)) indicators. The present study is an applied research performed using scientometric techniques and indicators. Citation analyzes, bibliographic coupling techniques, and disruption index were used in the present study to highlight the continuity, consolidation, or disruption in the co-citation network of IC papers. Srinivasan and Swink (2018) (\({\text{DI*}}\) = 0.596) caused significant interference to citation continuity in IC publications. Carter et al., (2017) ranked the highest DI to be 0.720, and Farooq, Zhu, and QY (2018) ranked the highest \({\text{D}}{{{\text{I}}}^{\# }}\) to be 0.769. The USA, University of London, Journal of Physics conference series, and National Natural Science Foundation of China were the top country, university, publication, and funding agency in the field of IC. The use of improved indicators (in terms of performance and efficiency) led to the presentation of valuable results and knowledge in the focal points of knowledge creation in library and information science research. In the co-citation network of the IC domain, some articles are always cited and lead to the formation of “consolidation” and “continuity”. Disruption indexes (DI) are new multidimensional indicators measuring the impact of focal papers (FPs) by examining the number of citations received and the references cited in publications. Citation analyses often focus on counting the number of citations to a focal paper (FP). Therefore, the analysis of co-citation networks provides valuable knowledge for policy-making.
