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Between global events and local reverberations: Globalization, local media framing and the 2014 FIFA World Cup
Global Networks ( IF 1.968 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-05 , DOI: 10.1111/glob.12477
Renan Petersen‐Wagner 1 , Jan Andre Lee Ludvigsen 2

This article advances sociological work on globalization processes. It concerns itself with conceptualizations of how the local and global ‘clash’, utilizing Ulrich Beck's work on globalization, cosmopolitanism and power. By employing Brazil's 2014 Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) men's World Cup as a case, this article seeks to build on Beck's theorizations, into the field of football; using the General Law of the World Cup as a symbolic representation for the global/local, interest‐driven interactions between Brazil and FIFA. In particular, this article is concerned with how FIFA's requirements, standards and norms, as imposed on the host nation, were framed within local media and journalistic discourses. The article extends Beck's insights by problematizing how global demands meet local socio‐spatial, legal and cultural contexts and how these demands, seeking to regulate and secure consumption, are resisted by various domestic and localized actors situated within a power game.


全球事件和当地影响之间:全球化、当地媒体框架和 2014 年 FIFA 世界杯
