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Single-photon sources based on incomplete binary-tree multiplexers with optimized inputs
Physics Letters A ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.physleta.2024.129416
Peter Adam , Matyas Mechler

We analyze single-photon sources based on minimum-based, maximum-logic output-extended incomplete binary-tree multiplexers assuming different input mean photon numbers in each of the multiplexed units. This approach results in maximal single-photon probabilities higher than those achieved with optimal identical input mean photon numbers. The proposed technique decreases the multiphoton noise of the sources and it is especially advantageous for lower detector efficiencies. We show that assuming different input mean photon numbers in the multiplexed units, single-photon sources based on the analyzed multiplexers outperform those based on asymmetric multiplexers for the major part of the considered parameter range.


