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Can our experience with surveillance for inherited pancreatic cancer help to identify early pancreatic cancer in the general population?
Familial Cancer ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s10689-024-00363-6
J.-Matthias Löhr , Daniel Öhlund , Emma Söreskog , Emil Andersson , Miroslav Vujasinovic , Niklas Zethraeus , Malin Sund

Screening of the general population for cancer is a matter of primary prevention reducing the burden of disease. Whilst this is successful for several cancers including breast, colon and prostate, the situation to screen and hence prevent pancreatic cancer is different. The organ is not as accessible to simple physical exam or biological samples (fecal or blood test). Neither exists a blood test such as PSA that is cost-effective. Reviewing the evidence from screening risk groups for pancreatic cancer, one must conclude that there is no rational at present to screen the general population, for a lack of appropriate tests.



对一般人群进行癌症筛查是减少疾病负担的一级预防问题。虽然这对于乳腺癌、结肠癌和前列腺癌等多种癌症是成功的,但筛查并预防胰腺癌的情况却有所不同。该器官无法进行简单的体检或生物样本(粪便或血液测试)。两者都不存在具有成本效益的血液检测(例如 PSA)。回顾筛查胰腺癌危险人群的证据,我们必须得出这样的结论:由于缺乏适当的检测,目前没有合理的方法对一般人群进行筛查。
