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Creating a flow restrictor in ductal stenting: a novel technique
Cardiology in the Young ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-06 , DOI: 10.1017/s1047951124000258
Tam T. Doan , Yen T. K. Nguyen , Phung C. B. Tran

Ductal stenting has transformed the care of neonates with ductal-dependent critical CHD, especially in low-income countries. In small infants, a 3.5- or 4-mm stent may lead to too much pulmonary blood flow resulting in pulmonary oedema. We herein presented a novel technique to restrict ductal stent flow in a premature neonate with pulmonary atresia and intact ventricular septum following radiofrequency perforation of the pulmonary valve.



导管支架置入术改变了患有导管依赖性危重冠心病的新生儿的护理,特别是在低收入国家。对于小婴儿,3.5 或 4 毫米的支架可能会导致肺血流量过多,从而导致肺水肿。我们在此提出了一种新技术,用于限制肺动脉瓣射频穿孔后肺动脉闭锁和室间隔完整的早产新生儿的导管支架流量。