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Instructional design for innovation and reform
Phi Delta Kappan ( IF 0.980 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-05 , DOI: 10.1177/00317217241238103
Lisa Dover Kingsley , Jennifer Perry Cheatham

Not enough attention is paid to the instructional design decisions that define students’ experiences. Lisa Dover Kingsley and Jennifer Perry Cheatham contend that while quality teaching is crucial, the structural decisions supporting meaningful engagement often go unexamined. Using innovations in North Kansas City, Missouri, as a throughline, they review key themes present in research on four elements of instructional design. They urge leaders to reconsider outdated and unexamined design practices with an equitable approach, centering the voices of students typically left out of such decisions. They offer practical shifts and entry points for leaders to consider as they build a more inclusive and effective instructional design.



对于定义学生体验的教学设计决策没有给予足够的重视。丽莎·多佛·金斯利(Lisa Dover Kingsley)和詹妮弗·佩里·奇塔姆(Jennifer Perry Cheatham)认为,虽然高质量的教学至关重要,但支持有意义的参与的结构性决策往往未经审查。他们以密苏里州北堪萨斯城的创新为贯穿,回顾了教学设计四个要素研究中存在的关键主题。他们敦促领导者以公平的方式重新考虑过时且未经审查的设计实践,集中那些通常被排除在此类决策之外的学生的声音。它们为领​​导者在构建更具包容性和更有效的教学设计时提供了实际的转变和切入点。