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Prediction and mitigation of building vibrations caused by train operations on concrete floors
Applied Acoustics ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2024.109941
Yitao Qiu , Chao Zou , Jiahao Hu , Jialiang Chen

The potential construction of an elevated metro depot incorporating commercial and residential facilities is being considered in order to optimize land utilization. The vibration generated by trains operating on the concrete floor poses an intriguing challenge, as it directly propagates through the load-bearing structure to the over-track buildings without undergoing soil attenuation. Consequently, this phenomenon exerts a significant adverse impact on individuals' daily lives. The present study developed a numerical model to predict vibrations and evaluate the efficacy of two mitigation measures. The results demonstrate that both mitigation strategies effectively reduce vibration levels. However, it is important to acknowledge that the degradation of fastener stiffness should not be overlooked as it significantly impacts vibration characteristics. These findings offer valuable insights for the prediction and mitigation of vibrations in over-track buildings located above elevated metro depots during train operations on concrete floors.


