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Comprehensive review of status gelasticus: Diagnostic challenges and therapeutic insights
Epilepsy & Behavior ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-02-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2024.109719
Antonio Gennaro Nicotera , Giulia Spoto , Greta Amore , Ambra Butera , Gabriella Di Rosa

Status gelasticus is a rare form of status epilepticus characterized by prolonged and/or clustered gelastic seizures. The review encompasses an analysis of cases reported in the literature, focusing on causes, clinical-electroencephalographic features, and therapeutic interventions. The study reveals the challenges in defining and understanding status gelasticus due to its diverse etiologies and limited reported cases. The association with hypothalamic hamartomas and other brain abnormalities underscores the importance of thorough evaluations. The review also discusses new treatments, including medications and less invasive surgeries. While progress has been made, the study points out challenges in diagnosing and managing this complex condition, highlighting the importance of ongoing research.


