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Sustainable integration of desalinated seawater into regional water supply networks using a participatory modelling framework
Environmental Science & Policy ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2024.103714
Liliana Pagliero , Neil McIntyre , Douglas Aitken , Pascal Bolz , Nathalie Jamett , Gabriel Pérez-Murillo , Francisca Rivero , Sebastián Herrera-León , Carlos M. Ordens , Levi Campos , Giovana García , Luis A. Cisternas

Water scarcity is a critical issue worldwide and has become a major constraint on socio-economic development. Seawater desalination is an appealing adaptation option in regions with access to the coast; however, it has sustainability challenges that require careful consideration. Two critical challenges are: how to manage the spectrum of potential adverse social and environmental impacts; and how to provide fair and sustainable water access benefits to the region as a whole. This paper presents a participatory modelling framework designed to support the participatory planning of sustainable integration of desalinated seawater into a regional water supply network in water-scarce regions. The framework is based on a modelling tool that facilitates collaborative understanding of the regional context and optimises and maps candidate water supply networks and the associated trade-offs between economic, environmental and social performance criteria. The framework aims to facilitate dialogue between all interested parties and contributes to a more informed, fair, consented, long-term and sustainable integration of desalinated seawater into regional water supply schemes. An application to the Atacama region in Chile illustrates the capabilities of the framework to communicate options under varying conditions of environmental protection. The case study also illustrates the role of stakeholders in the process of tool refinement as part of early-stage participatory planning.


