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Maruca vitrata (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae): comparative infestation and seasonal population fluctuations on different pigeonpea genotypes in Punjab, India
International Journal of Tropical Insect Science ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s42690-024-01198-5
Shivani Khokhar , Gaurav Kumar Taggar , Ravinder Singh

Maruca vitrata (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is a serious threat to grain legumes, particularly pigeonpea. Varietal resistance in pigeonpea against M. vitrata and knowledge about the seasonal abundance of the pest are crucial to manage it efficiently. Nine pigeonpea genotypes (AL 1932, AL 2000, AL 1747, MN 1, AL 2102, PADT16, AL 201, PAU 881 and AL 882) were screened against M. vitrata under field conditions for two years (Kharif 2020 and 2021). M. vitrata larvae were first observed during the 36th SMW (Standard Meteorological Week) in the early flowering genotypes (MN 1 and PADT 16). The pest population gradually reached its peak during the 40th SMW on all the genotypes and gradually declined thereafter, with no pest population after the 43rd SMW. Mean larval population, web counts and per cent pod damage were the lowest in genotype AL 1747 and the highest in genotype MN 1. The number of larvae and webs per plant had a non-significant correlation with all the weather parameters. Principal component analysis (PCA) was used and the variables were transformed into principal components (PC) to explain the nature and extent of the relationships among different variables. During kharif 2020, PC1 and PC2 between M. vitrata larvae, webs and weather parameters captured 53.0 and 34.9 per cent of the variability in data, respectively whereas during kharif 2021, PC1 and PC2 captured 49.0 and 35.8 per cent of the variability in data, respectively. Our results show that genotype AL 1747 consistently performed better under M. vitrata infestation and therefore, it can be used in future breeding programmes to develop resistant varieties against M. vitrata.


Maruca vitrata (Fabricius)(鳞翅目:Crambidae):印度旁遮普省不同木豆基因型的相对侵染和季节性种群波动

Maruca vitrata (Fabricius)(鳞翅目:Crambidae)对谷物豆类,特别是木豆构成严重威胁。木豆对M. vitrata的品种抗性以及对该害虫季节性丰度的了解对于有效管理它至关重要。在田间条件下对九个木豆基因型(AL 1932、AL 2000、AL 1747、MN 1、AL 2102、PADT16、AL 201、PAU 881 和 AL 882)进行了为期两年的M. vitrata筛选( Kharif 2020 和 2021)。M. vitrata幼虫在第 36 个 SMW(标准气象周)期间首次观察到早期开花基因型(MN 1 和 PADT 16)。各基因型害虫种群在第40个SMW期间逐渐达到峰值,此后逐渐下降,第43个SMW后不再有害虫种群。平均幼虫数量、蜘蛛网数量和荚果损坏百分比在基因型 AL 1747 中最低,在基因型 MN 1 中最高。每株幼虫和蜘蛛网的数量与所有天气参数均不存在显着相关性。采用主成分分析(PCA),将变量转化为主成分(PC)来解释不同变量之间关系的性质和程度。在kharif 2020 年期间,PC1 和 PC2 在M. vitrata幼虫、网和天气参数之间分别捕获了 53.0% 和 34.9% 的数据变异性,而在kharif 2021 年期间,PC1 和 PC2 捕获了 49.0% 和 35.8% 的数据变异性,分别。我们的结果表明,基因型 AL 1747 在M. vitrata侵染下始终表现更好,因此,它可以用于未来的育种计划中,以开发针对M. vitrata的抗性品种。
