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Dust Storms in Iraq: Past and Present
Theoretical and Applied Climatology ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-06 , DOI: 10.1007/s00704-024-04886-x
Salar Ali Khidher

This research focuses on past and present dust storms in Iraq. Notably, this climatic phenomenon has frequently occurred in Iraq, as detailed in historical records. Iraq, specifically Baghdad city, witnessed a series of dust storms in spring 2022. Although these storms are among the normal climatic phenomena in Iraq due to the location in an area with widespread deserts, these storms are distinguished by their severity, causing adverse health effects and leading to aviation disturbance and airport closure. The increase in the intensity of these dust storms could be attributed to the decrease in rainfall in Iraq and neighboring countries in recent years. These storms lasted between 2 and 11 hours (6 hours on average). The frequency of these storms during the spring and summer seasons has increased. Satellite image analysis revealed that the source areas of these dust storms encompass northeastern Syria, eastern Jordan, and northern Saudi Arabia, as well as various sources in Iraq. Synoptic analysis of surface and upper weather maps showed that the comprehensive conditions suitable for dust storm formation can be divided into three cases: the first corresponds to the convergence of two pressure systems over Iraq, the second case corresponds to the convergence of two systems outside the borders of Iraq, and the last case corresponds to a single pressure system impacting Iraq. It was found that the first case accounted for (50%) of the total dust storms, where the meeting of two pressure systems led to the formation of a cold air front forming the core for dust storm development. A cold trough in the upper atmosphere (500 mb) accounted for the majority of dust storms (75%). It was found that the wind speed during these storms ranged from 4-12 m/s, and they were largely accompanied by clouds.



这项研究的重点是伊拉克过去和现在的沙尘暴。值得注意的是,这种气候现象在伊拉克频繁发生,历史记载对此有详细记载。伊拉克,特别是巴格达市,在 2022 年春季出现了一系列沙尘暴。尽管由于伊拉克地处大片沙漠地区,这些风暴属于正常气候现象,但这些风暴的严重程度不同,会对健康造成不利影响并导致航空干扰和机场关闭。这些沙尘暴强度的增加可能是由于近年来伊拉克及其邻国降雨量减少所致。这些风暴持续了 2 至 11 小时(平均 6 小时)。春季和夏季这些风暴的频率有所增加。卫星图像分析显示,这些沙尘暴的源区包括叙利亚东北部、约旦东部和沙特阿拉伯北部,以及伊拉克的多个来源。对地面和高空天气图的天气分析表明,适合沙尘暴形成的综合条件可分为三种情况:第一种情况对应于伊拉克上空两个气压系统的汇聚,第二种情况对应于伊拉克上空两个气压系统的汇聚。伊拉克边境,最后一个案例对应于影响伊拉克的单一压力系统。研究发现,第一种情况占沙尘暴总量的50%,其中两个气压系统相遇导致形成冷空气锋,成为沙尘暴发展的核心。高层大气中的冷槽 (500 mb) 占沙尘暴的大部分 (75%)。结果发现,这些暴风雨期间的风速范围为4-12 m/s,并且大部分伴有云。
