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Backward and forward simulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by the grid-scale model _validation and applications for environmental management
Atmospheric Environment ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2024.120419
Ming-Tsuen Hsieh , Wen-Yu Chung , Shoiw-Mei Tseng , Pei-Chi Shih , Shau-Ku Huang , Chon-Lin Lee

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) associated with fine particulate matter (PM) can cause serious health problems, but data are scarce. We have previously developed a grid-scale model (GSM) to simulate PM-PAH levels on an hourly basis. This study aims to verify the applicability of the model to different years and to reasonably assess the long-term spatiotemporal effects on PAH variation in Kaohsiung. From the resulting database, the annual mean of PM-PAH was found to have decreased from 3.18 in 2005 to 1.78 ng m in 2018, representing an overall decrease of 44%. Thus, this study found that the progressive decrease in PAH levels was closely related to green transport and the gradual tightening of industrial operation regulations. Namely, in the urban area near the central public transport hubs, the estimated PAHs had significantly decreased by 16% (0.37 ng m) in 2009 with the operation of the high-speed railway in 2007 and the mass rapid transit in 2008. Near industrial areas, PAHs were reduced by environmental regulations, including air pollution control fees and cap-and-trade policies. By using GSM simulation, this study demonstrated a useful and feasible urban planning tool, and can serve as a reference for future studies related to epidemiology and environmental management.



与细颗粒​​物 (PM) 相关的多环芳烃 (PAH) 会导致严重的健康问题,但数据很少。我们之前开发了一个网格规模模型 (GSM),用于每小时模拟 PM-PAH 水平。本研究旨在验证模型对不同年份的适用性,并合理评估高雄市PAH变化的长期时空效应。从数据库中发现,PM-PAH的年平均值从2005年的3.18下降到2018年的1.78 ng m,整体下降了44%。因此,本研究发现PAH水平的逐步下降与绿色交通和工业运营法规的逐步收紧密切相关。即,在靠近中央公共交通枢纽的城市地区,随着2007年高铁和2008年轨道交通的开通,2009年PAHs估算值显着下降了16%(0.37纳克立方米)。在一些地区,多环芳烃通过环境法规减少,包括空气污染控制费和限额与交易政策。通过使用GSM模拟,本研究展示了一种有用且可行的城市规划工具,可以为未来流行病学和环境管理相关的研究提供参考。