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r-indexing the eBWT
Information and Computation ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ic.2024.105155
Christina Boucher , Davide Cenzato , Zsuzsanna Lipták , Massimiliano Rossi , Marinella Sciortino

The extended Burrows-Wheeler Transform (eBWT) was introduced by Mantaci et al. [TCS 2007] to extend the definition of the BWT to a collection of strings. As opposed to other commonly used BWT-variants for string collections, the eBWT is independent of the input order of the strings in the collection, while preserving the full functionality and compressibility of the classic BWT. In our prior work [Boucher et al. eBWT , SPIRE 2021], we presented a linear-time algorithm for constructing the eBWT. The algorithm combines a modification of the Suffix Array Induced Sorting (SAIS) algorithm [Nong et al., IEEE Trans Comput 2011] with Prefix-Free Parsing [Boucher et al., Alg Mol Biol 2019; Kuhnle et al., JCB 2020].