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The Voice of the People: Populism and Donald Trump’s Use of Informal Voice
Society ( IF 0.979 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s12115-024-00969-7
Jens Kjeldgaard-Christiansen

Many studies have examined characteristic verbal aspects of Donald J. Trump’s political communication, from his authoritarian rhetoric to his preference for short words and simple sentences, as expressions of his populism. This article focuses on his use of non-verbal voice quality. In analyzing the “Trump rallies” and other materials from his successful campaigning before the 2016 United States presidential election, I argue that Trump’s evocative and meaningful uses of pitch, amplitude, speech rate, rhythm, and other vocal measures combine to make his paralanguage exceptionally and counter-normatively informal, and that this informality amplifies his explicitly populist messaging. I conclude by suggesting that Trump’s informal voice solves an important problem for him: It allows him to express his populism with a deeply personal undertone, and thereby potentially to make his claims to popular identification ring intuitively true.



许多研究都考察了唐纳德·J·特朗普政治沟通中的言语特征,从他的独裁言论到他对短词和简单句子的偏好,将其作为民粹主义的表达。本文重点介绍他对非语言语音质量的使用。在分析“特朗普集会”和他在 2016 年美国总统大选前成功竞选的其他材料时,我认为特朗普对音调、幅度、语速、节奏和其他声音措施的令人回味和有意义的使用结合起来,使他的副语言异常出色。以及反规范的非正式性,这种非正式性放大了他明确的民粹主义信息。最后,我认为特朗普的非正式声音为他解决了一个重要问题:这使他能够以深刻的个人色彩表达他的民粹主义,从而有可能使他对大众认同的主张直观地真实。
