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Thiocyanate facilitating thiosulfate extraction of gold via inhibiting formation of passive layer
Sustainable Materials and Technologies ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.susmat.2024.e00878
Yue Lin , Xianzhi Hu , Futing Zi

Thiosulfate leaching is a feasible alternative for cyanidation. However, thiosulfate is easily decomposed and forms the passive layer on the ore surface, thus hindering gold extraction. In this paper, by adding thiocyanate to reduce the undesirable effect, copper-ammonia-thiosulfate leaching system is utilized to extract gold from the calcine. This research investigated the factors affecting gold extraction and kinetics of the leaching system, and the potential reason and reaction mechanism of the thiocyanate for improving gold leaching efficiency were discussed and analyzed. Gold leaching percentage is increased from 62.99% to 88.45% by adding thiocyanate that is close to that of cyanidation. By using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, gold in the leachate may be in the form of gold(I) thiosulfate complex. The leaching mechanism and the reason for improving gold extraction by adding thiocyanate were investigated via characterization and the leaching thermodynamic analysis. The possible reason for improving gold leaching percentage lied in that the thiocyanate reduced the decomposition of thiosulfate, thus inhibiting the form of passivation layer. According to the leaching mechanism, thiocyanate is used as an additive in the copper-ammonia-thiosulfate leaching system, which is of great significance for facilitating gold recovery, lessening thiosulfate consumption, and reducing ammonia dosage.


