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SLA-based task offloading for energy consumption constrained workflows in fog computing
Future Generation Computer Systems ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2024.03.013
Hongjian Li , Xue Zhang , Hua Li , Xiaolin Duan , Chen Xu

As an emerging computing paradigm, fog computing provides more available computing resources for Internet of Things (IoT) users in an efficient and timely manner. However, the energy consumption generated by fog computing is also further increased, which makes electricity costs and carbon emissions continue to rise. At the same time, the mobile characteristics of computing nodes in fog computing will reduce the system’s reliability. In this paper, a low-delay scheduling algorithm is proposed for fog computing workflows under energy consumption constrained, namely the Minimal Schedule Time with Energy Constraint (MSTEC) algorithm. The algorithm can set energy consumption constrained for the workflow and effectively reduce the completion time of the workflow. In addition, a High Reliability with Energy Constraint (HREC) algorithm for fog computing workflow under energy consumption constrained was proposed to optimize the system reliability of fog computing in mobile scenarios. Our experiments show that the MSTEC algorithm reduces the completion time by about 16.5% on average compared with the baseline algorithm, and the HREC algorithm improves the system reliability by 22% compared with the MSTEC algorithm, which demonstrates that our proposed algorithms can achieve better performance for energy consumption constrained workflows in fog computing environments.


基于 SLA 的任务卸载,适用于雾计算中能耗受限的工作流程
