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“Belief Initiates and Guides Action—Or it Does Nothing”: An Exploration of the Political Functions of Watching and Reading Dystopian Fiction
Journal of Communication Inquiry Pub Date : 2024-03-08 , DOI: 10.1177/01968599241234323
Mayte Donstrup 1

This article addresses the question of how dystopian fiction can produce civic and ideological connections among audiences. To this end, we have drawn from different theoretical perspectives on public connectivity to show how audience involvement with fictional entertainment can forge clear links with the political sphere. In short, we offer a qualitative reception study that has yielded six features of dystopias: cognition, rejection of socially negative themes, warning, speculation, ideology, and narcosis. These features are empirically grounded in extensive qualitative research. Finally, based on the participants’ responses, we have proposed a specific reception strategy for the dystopian genre: dystopian imaginative engagement.


