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“Our Hair, Our Strength, Our Identity”: Native American reflections and what dermatologists can learn
Pediatric Dermatology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-09 , DOI: 10.1111/pde.15547
Dante Rangel 1 , Evan Choate 2 , Yolandra Toya 3 , Anthony Fleg 4 , Aimee C. Smidt 2, 5

Issues of health equity are rightfully in the national spotlight. Here we present a narrative piece on the sacred importance of hair and its ties to cultural identity among many Native communities in the United States. We introduce unique values ascribed to hair in some Native cultures, and include examples of how hair has played an important role in both abuse and generational trauma for many individuals and families. By sharing experiences, we hope to illuminate perspectives often underrepresented, and to enable more culturally humble, responsive, and informed dermatologic care.


