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‘A troupe of mercenary writers’: the publicists in Chancellor Maupeou’s service, 1771–1774
French History ( IF 0.114 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-09 , DOI: 10.1093/fh/crad046
Vincent Cossarutto

Louis XV’s government led an ambitious communications campaign in 1771 to justify his power grab against the parlements. Chancellor Maupeou enlisted a propaganda office that notably included his personal secretary, Charles-François Lebrun, and François Marin, the secrétaire général of the Librairie. The minister also relied on the commitment of a group of writers. François-Marie Arouet Voltaire was the most famous of these writers, but other, less well-known authors also played a crucial part. This was notably the case with the Abbé Raymond Mary, a humble canon linked to the comtesse du Barry’s circle, who was arguably one of the most important actors in Versailles’ persuasion strategy. This article sketches a portrait of the publicists who put pen to paper in the monarchy’s service during the Maupeou revolution.


“一群雇佣兵作家”:为莫普总理服务的公关人员,1771 年至 1774 年

1771 年,路易十五政府发起了一场雄心勃勃的宣传运动,以证明他对议会权力的攫取是正当的。莫佩总理组建了一个宣传办公室,其中主要包括他的私人秘书查尔斯-弗朗索瓦·勒布伦和图书馆秘书长弗朗索瓦·马林。部长还依赖于一群作家的承诺。弗朗索瓦-马里·阿鲁埃·伏尔泰是这些作家中最著名的,但其他不太知名的作家也发挥了至关重要的作用。雷蒙德·玛丽神父的情况尤其如此,他是一位与杜巴里伯爵夫人圈子有联系的不起眼的教士,可以说是凡尔赛说服策略中最重要的角色之一。本文概述了莫普革命期间为君主政体服务的公关人员。