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Treatment Options for Alopecia Areata in Children and Adolescents
Pediatric Drugs ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s40272-024-00620-2
Linnea L. Westerkam , Diana B. McShane , Elizabeth L. Nieman , Dean S. Morrell


Alopecia areata (AA) lifetime incidence is around 2%, with many patients first experiencing symptoms during childhood. However, ritlecitinib is the only FDA-approved treatment for pediatric patients 12 years and older. This review outlines reported topical, injectable, and oral treatment options for pediatric patients with AA. Clinical studies were obtained via a PubMed search using the following search terms: alopecia areata, areata, universalis, or totalis and medication, therapy, treatment, drug, or management. Only studies with pediatric patients were included in this review. Commonly used therapies, including corticosteroids, methotrexate, and minoxidil, newer promising medications, such as Janus kinase inhibitors, and less frequently used topical and systemic treatments are included. A summary of the drug development pipeline and ongoing interventional clinical trials with pediatric patients is provided. Treatments demonstrate variable efficacy, and many patients require combination therapy for maximal response. More robust clinical data is needed for many of the medications reviewed in order to provide better care for these patients.




斑秃 (AA) 的终生发病率约为 2%,许多患者在儿童时期首次出现症状。然而,ritlecitinib 是唯一获得 FDA 批准用于 12 岁及以上儿科患者的治疗药物。本综述概述了已报告的 AA 儿科患者的局部、注射和口服治疗方案。临床研究是通过使用以下搜索词的 PubMed 搜索获得的:斑秃、斑秃、universalis 或 Totalis 以及药物、治疗、治疗、药物或管理。本次评价仅纳入了针对儿科患者的研究。其中包括常用的疗法,包括皮质类固醇、甲氨蝶呤和米诺地尔,较有前途的药物,例如 Janus 激酶抑制剂,以及不太常用的局部和全身治疗。提供了药物开发渠道和正在进行的儿科患者介入临床试验的摘要。治疗效果各异,许多患者需要联合治疗才能获得最大反应。许多所审查的药物需要更可靠的临床数据,以便为这些患者提供更好的护理。
