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In-plane surface waves propagating in a coated half-space based on the strain-gradient elasticity theory
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-11 , DOI: 10.1177/10812865241235117
Bowen Zhao 1 , Jianmin Long 1

By employing the strain gradient elasticity theory, we investigate the propagation of in-plane surface waves in a coated half-space with microstructures. We first investigate the general case of the present problem, that is, both the surface layer and the half-space are described by the strain-gradient elasticity theory. We formulate the boundary and continuity conditions of the general case and derive the dispersion relations of the surface waves. Then we investigate two special cases: (1) the surface layer is described by the strain-gradient elasticity theory, while the half-space by the classical elasticity theory; (2) the surface layer is described by the classical elasticity theory while the half-space by the strain-gradient elasticity theory. We examine the effects of strain-gradient characteristic lengths on the dispersion curves of surface waves in all cases. This study helps to further understand the propagation characteristics of elastic waves in materials with microstructures.


