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Beyond trade statistics: how much do exports actually contribute to domestic value added?
Humanities & Social Sciences Communications ( IF 2.731 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-13 , DOI: 10.1057/s41599-024-02731-0
Maria Llop

Koopman et al. (2014) and Los et al. (2016) decomposed gross exports into various value-added components by adopting the input–output assumption of disconnection between production and final demand. Such an assumption, however, neglects the ability of production inflows to generate income and consumption, and therefore additional impacts on production. To achieve a more complete understanding of the role played by trade, this article presents a method for quantifying the value added of exports that reflects the linkages between production and private consumption. In the tradition of Miyazawa (1968, 1976) and Sonis and Hewings (1973), the proposed model endogenously defines household consumption in the output determination, thus improving the way in which the interdependencies between income and output generation processes are revealed. The proposal is directly applicable empirically through available world trade databases.



库普曼等人。(2014)和洛斯等人。(2016)采用生产与最终需求脱节的投入产出假设,将总出口分解为各种增值成分。然而,这种假设忽略了生产流入产生收入和消费的能力,从而忽视了对生产的额外影响。为了更全面地了解贸易所发挥的作用,本文提出了一种量化出口增加值的方法,该方法反映了生产与私人消费之间的联系。秉承 Miyazawa (1968, 1976) 以及 Sonis 和 Hewings (1973) 的传统,所提出的模型在产出决定中内生地定义了家庭消费,从而改进了收入和产出生成过程之间相互依赖关系的揭示方式。该提案可通过现有的世界贸易数据库直接进行实证应用。
