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Turkish-American Relations in the Context of Multilateral Competition in the Caspian Region
International Journal ( IF 2.867 ) Pub Date : 2024-03-10 , DOI: 10.1177/00207020241234205
Zhaksygul Akimova 1 , Zhenis Kydyrov 1 , Panu Kilybayeva 1 , Aigerim Ospanova 2

This article examines the prospects for increased Turkish-American relations in the Caspian region, namely, joint areas of activity for the development and consolidation of cooperation between both states. Utilizing a historical-comparative method, we comprehensively study Turkish-American relations in this region from a historical viewpoint and predict the further development of this cooperation in the future. The key characteristics and features of Turkish-American relations in the Caspian region from 1991 to 2022 are identified, as are the causes of crises in relations between the two countries against the background of a change in US policy. Finally, we emphasize the importance of further strengthening strategic cooperation between Turkey and the US in the Caspian region.


